User:Average/For-profit vs. non-profit

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This issue of establishing hackerspace as for-profit or non-profit is a red herring: distracting question. It's a question made when people are afraid of their law and afraid of the taxman.

If you need to grok that latter issue, you need to read the articles on Government, and how there's a planetary transitions. They, like you, haven't caught up to that fact.

You may need to write some new charters, legal charters that no one has thought up before. What did you fucking expect? Hackerspaces are a new kind of organization, don't expect to stuff it in some old-paradigm box.

Consider a co-operative: member-owned. But since y'all are living flat broke like me, we're going to have to bring in some money since no one's going to afford the tools. That means you'll probably have a hybrid organization.

You'll probably just have to find me, because the issue is too complex. You can't just sell out to the money, yet you don't know where the karma is to make it righteous. Xer0Dynamite (talk) 03:30, 26 May 2015 (UTC).