From HackerspaceWiki
The Telegram room[edit]
Admin contact: User:Dcht00
Communication Bridge (Telegram and Matrix/IRC)[edit]
Currently down.
- I/M = IRC/Matrix
- TG = Telegram
Try #1 (2021-09-05 experiment)[edit]
What was done:
- "matrix bridge bot" was present in TG room: @hacklabbridgebot
- ... but bridge continued to work after ATM dis-associated it, so huh?
- telegram says "Has access to messages" in room list
- a bridge was setup by ATS_
- Telegram bridge
- "𝚓𝚘 invited Telegram bridge bot (" (to M)
- jo bridged rooms with by saying !tg bridge -1001431816358
- TG room was missing bridgebot [!]
What worked:
- all one way (T → I/M)
- only "registered users" the other way
Some commands used (in Matrix room) to establish the bridge:
!tg help !tg invite-link !tg bridge --usebot -1001431816358 !tg bridge -1001431816358 !tg sync-state !tg unbridge !tg unbridge-and-continue
Try #2 (TODO)[edit]
- Person: Moderator on Telegram side → dcht00
- Person: Bridge maintainer → ???
- Full two-way bridging for all messages, for everyone connecting from:
- all Matrix servers/users
- all IRC servers/users
- Test first in a separate room! (can also be used to test other bridges, etc)
- Separate "Management room" on IRC/M (so TG bots don't spam the channels there)?
- Document: What to do in advance, so no spamming of the main channels
- Document: Easy way for people to associate nicks (on Matrix & on TG) so that bridged messages (in both ways?) are delivered by proper user (not bridge itself)
HOW TO[edit]
- Easy and documented way to disconnect & reconnect bridge for admins
- matrix admin say !tg unbridge and kick bot from the room
- telegram admin kick bridgebot
- unbridge and kick all bridge users from all channels
- matrix !tg unbridge and kick bridgebot
- telegram admin kick bridgebot
- if decided to use telegram bridge:
- on matrix room invite to room
- on telegram group invite @hacklabbridgebot to group
- on telegram say /id -> bot answer with id
- on matrix say !tg bridge <id>
- if decided to use telegram bridge
- on matrix room invite
- on telegram group invite @tchncs_bot
- on telegram say /id -> bot answer with id
- on matrix say !tg bridge <id>