Open Garage

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Open Garage
Status active
Country Belgium
State or District Antwerp Province
City Schilde
Date of founding 2011/11/29
Last Updated 2024-08-03
Snail mail


Number of members 850
Membership fee 0
Size of rooms 160m²
Location 51° 15' 2.54" N, 4° 34' 11.43" E

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The Open Garage is a privately owned garage that opens every Thursday evening for everyone who wants to use the available infrastructure. After 7.5 years at the original garage in Borsbeek, we now have our weekly meetings in our upgraded garage in Schilde.

We're usually a few nerds playing with electronics, 3d printers, CNC machinery, and have many various ongoing projects. Everyone brings a drink to share via the community fridge.

Everyone who wants to be excellent to the rest of us there, feel free to join in and meet up at

Contact @aliekens for details (address) or follow him on Twitter for announcements.