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23905187 1567882133306414 7886947961531832533 n.png
Status closed
Country New Zealand
State or District Auckland
City Auckland
Date of founding 2018/11/01
Last Updated 2024-05-20
Website http://hackland.nz
Facebook www.facebook.com/AuckHackspace
Twitter https://twitter.com/AKL Hackspace
Snail mail

New Zealand

Number of members 50
Membership fee $15 NZD
Open to Exchanges? Yes"Yes" is not in the list (yes, no, maybe) of allowed values for the "Exchanges" property.
Open to Residencies? Maybe"Maybe" is not in the list (yes, no, maybe) of allowed values for the "Residencies" property.

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Duplicate entry from https://wiki.hackerspaces.org/HackLand