Hackspace Georgsmarienhütte

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Hackspace Georgsmarienhütte
Hackspace GMH Logo.jpg
Status active
Country Germany
State or District Lower-Saxony
City Georgsmarienhütte
Date of founding 2020/06/16
Last Updated 2024-06-01
Website https://www.hackspace-gmh.de/
Newsfeed https://www.hackspace-gmh.de/feed/
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC95mYcINCOqFjdqErT-k3Rg
Twitter https://twitter.com/HackspaceG
E-mail info@hackspace-gmh.de
Snail mail

Sperberhöhe 33
49124 Georgsmarienhütte

Number of members 9
Size of rooms 0m2
Location 52° 12' 25.03" N, 8° 1' 18.96" E

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