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Status active
Country Spain
State or District Castellon
City Castellon de la Plana
Date of founding 2011/11/23
Last Updated 2024-06-23
Website http://hackcs.org
Phone 661815905
git https://github.com/Hackerspace-Castellon
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Hackerspace-Castell%C3%B3n-1555573647876423
Twitter http://twitter.com/hackcs
E-mail hackcs@hackcs.org
Snail mail

Despacho TI2018SD, Escuela Superior de Tecnologia I Ciencias Experimentales, Avinguda de Vicent Sos Baynat, Universitat Jaume I, s/n, 12006 Castellón de la Plana, Castellón
12006 Castellon de la Plana

Number of members 14
Membership fee 50€ Quarterly
Size of rooms 41,06 m2
Open to Exchanges? yes
Open to Residencies? maybe
Residencies Contact hackcs@hackcs.org
Location 39° 59' 34.77" N, 0° 4' 8.27" W

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Hackerspace Castellón es la asociación para los amantes de la informática, la electrónica, los videojuegos y el conocimiento libre. Actualmente realizamos proyectos relacionados con electrónica, robótica, impresión 3D y drones, entre otros. En nuestro local, situado en la Universitat Jaume I, cuentas con el espacio, material y herramientas necesarias para iniciar tus proyectos. ¡Contacta con nosotros y visítanos!

Hackerspace Castellón is the association for lovers of informatics, electronics, videogames and libre knowledge. We do projects relationed with electronics, robotics, printers 3D and drones, between others. At our site, located at the University Jaume I, you have the space, materials and tools nedeed to initialise your projects. Contact and visit us!

This Hackerspace has a 3D Printer

This Hackerspace has a Lasercutter

This Hackerspace has a Kitchen

This Hackerspace has a Arcade

This Hackerspace has a 3D Scanner

This Hackerspace has a Logic Analyzer

This Hackerspace has a Spectrum Analyzer

This Hackerspace has a Virtual Reality Station

This Hackerspace has a Projector