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Mailing List

2009-03-08 -- ? -- Hello. I'm moving to the San Diego / SoCal area in the next couple of months and am looking to get involved with / start any local diy/maker/tech/wonderthings group. I've gotten to be a part of a few meetings and have participated in various activities at Looking forward to settling down, meeting new people and getting to work on new projects. Feel free to contribute to this discussion. -- Jose

2009-03-30 -- ? -- How do we get started? Just moved here myself and want to see what we can get going. -- JB

2009-03-31 -- acornblue (at) gmail dot com -- Sounds interesting. i'm trying to connect my washer to my kitchen sink waters supply. hmmm supplies: r.shack solder iron, ac adapters as makeshift power supply. let me know when things get started. my email is username @ - acornblue -- ?

2009-04-05 -- hackerspacesd (at) geomarcomputers dot com -- I would like to help start a hackerspace in SD. Not sure how to email any of you ( username=? ) - I can be reached via email: hackerspacesd (at) , or twitter: geomarcomputers -- Alan

2009-04-06 -- ? -- I am also very interested in seeing one of these go up in the San Diego area -- ?

2009-04-10 -- mebelokon (at) gmail dot com -- I would definitely join this. Maybe we can get together initially at the proposed sd tech drinkup on dan's website? (assuming this dan = [deleted]). Anybody got a free garage/spare room? I will bring beer and or 'rented' tools (you know, home improvement stores generally have very generous return policies). also I dunno if they already posted here but and both tweeted interest in sd hackerspace -- John

2009-04-10 -- magne.ignis.fatuus (at) gmail dot com -- Interested in getting a hackerspace started. No spare rooms or garages, but bring a solid linux background -- RKD

2009-04-12 -- fheald (at) obtainium dot org -- I'm in N. County (Carlsbad) and I'd like to start a space up here, but I'm interested in discussions in San Diego as well -- ?

2009-04-21 -- frankw @ -- I'm interested in joining the group. Sounds fun and promising! -- Frank

2009-08-23 -- Tech - RevHeywood {one} {shift2} icqmail {period} com -- If the space is still trying to be organized and put together, I am interested in joining up and helping out. -- Ryan

2009-09-03 -- marnix (dot) hollander (at) gmail - I've been in San Diego for a couple months now and it would be great to get a group together. I have some experience in electronics and machining but not much space of my own to contribute, happy to help with other stuff though.

2009-10-03 -- mmykle (at) gmail dot com - I've lived in San Diego pretty much my whole life, and I'm a senior in High School. I've always been interested in electronics and my school has many different electronics/engineering classes. At home I have a small 'closet shop' and I'm always working on a project. While I'm really busy now with college stuff, starting next semester I should be free a lot and would love to help with whatever needs help.

hackerspace design?[edit]

Hello all ... I'm an architectur student at Woodbury University in San Diego. I want to design a Hackerspace. If anyone wants to shoot around ideas, let me know. I want to find potential sites and design something to outfit them... Email me!