Hackspace Cardiff

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Hackspace Cardiff
Cardiff Hackspace logo new.png
Status building
Country United Kingdom
State or District Wales
City Cardiff
Last Updated 2024-06-12
Website http://cardiffhackspace.com
Twitter https://twitter.com/cdfhackspace
E-mail hackspace.cardiff@gmail.com
Mailinglist http://groups.google.com/group/hackspacecardiff
Snail mail

United Kingdom

Number of members 51 people listed"peoplelisted" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 51.
Location 51° 29' 6.76" N, 3° 13' 55.02" W

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Hi, Please get in touch on our Discord channel (or on Twitter) if you are interested in joining us. We have a space and are looking for a few like-minded people who want to join us. Use discussions tab above to leave notes not appropriate for this page.

  • We have a space in west cardiff:

Ely Brewery Workshops, Station Terrace, Cardiff CF5 4AR UK

There is a small, free to use car park.


Next meeting[edit]

At the moment we are meeting regularily every Thursday from 17:30 and every Saturday from 13:00.

try the mailing list or twitter for more information.


  • A place to collaborate and build stuff
  • A place to bounce ideas off people who are genuinely interested, or can at least feign interest better than partners/bored co-workers
  • A place to drink coffee, eat biscuits and plan great schemes
  • A community where we can share and learn alike

The Space[edit]

Please feel free to add/edit these lists

What's in the space[edit]

  • 2x CNCs
  • Milling machine
  • Drill press
  • 10 tons hydraulic press
  • Metal lathe
  • 3D printers
  • Oscilloscopes
  • Bench power supply
  • Basic tools / supplies
  • Sofa
  • Fridge
  • Vice and big hammer

What the space is like[edit]

  • Heatable and dry
  • Ventilation
  • Lots of electricity
  • Good lighting
  • internet connection


Add your name to this list

Name Twitter handle What would you like in a hack space?
Mark @markheseltine A workshop for tinkering with small electronics. Maybe some sofas.
Ian @niftydigits Somewhere to learn and build ideas. Maybe a desk or two to write software hacks.
Dave @dblencowe TBA
Tharshan @viperfx09 Would be great to work on a project with you guys using arduino or google's ADK
Rob @robotmay Comfortable seating, relaxed atmosphere, and a good internet connection
ben @bienjamu A workbench... and a kettle.
Matt @AlwaysTyred Relaxed friendly environment with space to sit and learn, or to tinker and make!
Pete @petechickens A regular meeting time; plenty of power sockets; decent work benches/stools; tools; a sink, a fridge, a kettle and some good coffee; easy chairs; lockers (?); good lighting; a window; a whiteboard; wi-fi; shelving for projects in progress, reference books and 'stuff'; wall-space for posters and projections.
Iain @IainATweets A well organised group, so somewhere to play with tools (and hopefully bigger ones), relax and chat / get involved with different projects you wouldn't normally be involved with.
Michael @michael555x A nice informal place to share ideas and projects over a few pints.
Phil @LightningPhil To share ideas, drink coffee and devolop things.
Haydn @haydnj a drop in place to learn to create cool projects. Tools would be a must, but could be put together quite cheaply.
Gedge @gedge somewhere to tinker with computing (networking? clustering?) and perhaps fix my bikes (pedal-power!); learning & sharing tools/ideas
Adam @adam_griffiths Lot's of plug holes…my poor MBP won't last very long with constant commits, pushes and Spotify!
Kev @cokeandcode Space for a laptop, interwebs, wall space for game designs. Somewhere to chat and share ideas on projects. Find out whats going on the geek scene in Cardiff
Genjix Indoor ski slope.
Suneil @suneiltagore digital fab tools! :)
Stunix @stunixcom mains power, an open wifi network, limitless espresso and some good company!
Leon I don't have it Place to bounce ideas around maybe have a smoke leading to world domination ?
Darrin @exempla CNC mill and 3D printer